Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hi Everyone....
First of name is Steven Campbell, and I have been a college instructor in Northern California for over twenty years. Although my Masters is in Information Systems, my passion is in how the brain works, and how we can use that information to live a fuller life. I am also a Christian, so I believe that we are indeed "fearfully and wonderfully made." and this includes the brain. My passion is therefore understanding how the brain works

I have written three books. The first two were college textbooks on Computer Software (Office 97 Complete and the Instructor's Manual), but I have written a third called "Making Your Mind Magnificent," published in 2009, based on what we have learned in the last forty years about how the brain works.

As Sir John Eccles (the Australian neurophsiologist who won the 1963 Novel Prize in Physiology for his work on the synapse)says, "the capacity of our brains is virtually endless. "

So...let's explore the 'endlessness" together, and see what and how the Lord has made for us a mind that we can use and enjoy to its fullest.